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Smoothies are a great way to pack some extra veg in your diet without even tasting it. If getting your kids to consume their 5 a day is a battle, then the dual strategies of hiding veg and encouraging small tastes of veg, can be very effective. Alternatively, if you as an adult find veg difficult to fit in, smoothies are one way to up your intake. Here are my top 3 tips for hiding veg in smoothies. BEETROOT packed full of antioxidants Grated raw beetroot works really well with a frozen berry mix – the flavours and colours blend perfectly. Go for a little more of the berries than the beetroot (e.g. 65g beetroot to 80g berries) to balance the flavours perfectly.
KALE for a dose of vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium Kale is brought alive with zingy kiwi fruit, and add some grated root ginger for extra zing! Take care to remove the tough kale stalks and ensure to run the motor for a while when blending. Around 50g of kale needs a couple of kiwi fruit and adding a banana can help smooth it all together. AVOCADO for vitamin E and good fats A nice ripe avocado adds a lovely softness to any smoothie, rather like adding a dollop of cream! This doesn’t work so well with a tart flavour but is great with subtler and sweeter flavours such as banana and raspberry. As long as the avocado is nice and ripe, and you have enough berries to balance out the flavours, you won’t taste it! One banana and 2-3 handfuls of frozen berries per avocado is about right. Enjoy! If you like this post please LIKE it and SHARE it. I would love to hear your COMMENTS for smoothies you enjoy or other ways you pack in the veg.