Want to feel like you again?

Find your way to a body that you understand, are happy to look at, and helps you live the life you want.

Zoe Thurston

When our hormones start to shift it can feel like we have lost who we are. With a growing list of ailments we worry – what if things never get any better? Is this how it’s going to be?

Are you in your 40s or 50s and suddenly feel like a woman of 90 – dry skin, aches and pains, tired. Maybe weight is piling on and diets aren’t working like they used to. Then you realise you are not going insane, you’re menopausing! However, maybe you can’t or have chosen not to take HRT, or you do and you still have symptoms you want to support. 

My name is Zoe and I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist. I think my hormones started to shift in my early 40s – headaches, aches and pains, hives and flushing. I felt awful and with young children to run around after I was a walking zombie by bedtime.

I managed to get my health back on track and now I specialise in women’s health. You don’t need to feel bewildered, weary and overwhelmed. I help by giving a clear path that is just for you and your individual body, unpicking what is going on and what diet and lifestyle changes would be most supportive.

Take the first step – to book a free 30 minute Nutrition and Wellness Taster Session click the button below.

Empowering Your Journey to Wellness

Nutrition and Wellness programs

Benefit from regular check-ins and adjustments to ensure your success.

Group Workshops

join with other women in a supportive group to work on your health together. 

Sarah: "This has been a very positive experience for me and helped me make lots of essential changes... Learning what goes on inside my body and how it all ties in with changing your diet, having the right supplements and exercising. Talking things through and having a plan, also setting reachable goals.... I don’t think people get the whole picture when they are struggling with weight, joint pain, tiredness the menopause, stress, and learning about how to change all that is essential."

Pippa: "I found Zoe’s thorough, insightful and practical approach to assessing what I ate and what I might change really beneficial. She helped me understand what was going on inside me when I ate and how sugar peaks and troughs weren’t helping and she supported me in quite a substantial weight loss goal."

Georgina: “I’m a very fussy eater and I was worried that I would struggle to eat the foods that Zoe would suggest. However Zoe always thinks outside the box and came up with lots of alternative suggestions which meant that I could follow the plan she had devised and really feel like I could make the changes in the long term.”

Mrs M: “Having suffered from PCOS for many years and having researched all the diet advice myself, I found the advice given both conflicting and confusing and as such most of my attempts to change my diet were short lived. Zoe helped to make everything clear and very easy to follow with recipes that suited my busy lifestyle as a working mum and that also suited my family budget. Having followed the diet changes that Zoe suggested for well over a year I have noticed a big reduction in the PCOS symptoms I once experienced and also as an added benefit an increase in energy levels and improved sleep!”

Anneli: “Zoe helped to make everything clear and very easy to follow with recipes that suited my busy lifestyle as a working mum and that also suited my family budget.”

Kelly: “Zoe was keen to provide bespoke recommendations which fitted in with my busy lifestyle and budget, as opposed to adopting a ‘one size fits all’ approach. I found her to be extremely personable and supportive throughout. The results greatly surpassed my expectations and I was delighted to see vast improvements...”

Katherine: "I have suffered from abominal bloating and constipation for years and with Zoe's advice and supplement programme I have felt so much better - really life-changing. Zoe's advice was clear, easy to follow and most importantly incredibly effective."

It’s Never Too Late. Ready to Take Control?

Discover the power of a strategy tailored to you, broken down into small steps. Embrace a new lifestyle one bite at a time. 

Why Choose Me?

take time to understand your individual health and what you are looking for. I also know that you will make changes more effectively with a compassionate, supportive approach. 


I help you stay on track and motivated. Your progress is tracked and celebrated, keeping you motivated to achieve your goals.

Support Articles

Menopause – feel like you are losing your mind..?

Menopause – feel like you are losing your mind..?

When going through the menopause it can literally feel like you are losing your mind: grappling with irritability, struggling to find the right word, or overpowered by anxiety. You can feel like you are losing your grip on the capable woman you once were. Neurological...

Menopause and Alzheimer’s Disease

Menopause and Alzheimer’s Disease

I always thought of menopause in terms of an end to periods, an end to my reproductive life. I was surprised when I found out that as well as being a change in reproductive state, menopause is also defined as a neurological transition i.e. a change in the nervous...

If you  are struggling with weight loss download my ebook:

5 reasons that have nothing to do with calorie counting!


Eastbourne and surrounding areas for face to face appointments. I also offer Zoom for clients further afield.
