Nutrition Terapist

Zoe Thurston

Hello, I am Zoe. I am a registered Nutritional Therapist. I specialise in working with women, and I love working with women transitioning through menopause or the teenage years.

About me.

My mission is for you to understand and nurture your changing, confusing body, allowing you to harness your energy to live the life you want.

I came to nutrition through an interest in science, a passion for health, and love of working with people. Nutritional Therapy is a science-based therapy and my four-year training is accredited by BANT and CNHC.

As well as providing me with a fulfilling career my training has also given me some fantastic tools for my own health. Outside of work I am a perimenopausal Mum of a teen and a tween. I know first-hand how empowering it can be to be able to take active steps to support my health when my body is no longer behaving like it used to! My vision is to guide more women to take back control of their health.

My approach to Nutritional Therapy is practical and compassionate. I will meet you where you are at. I will not ask you to eat things you really don’t like or tell you to spend hours cooking if you just can’t find the time. I also recognise that we all have so much more going on than what food we put in our mouths!

To book a free 30 minute Health & Wellbeing Taster Session click the button below where you will be directed to a booking page. On call we can discuss your health goals and start to find a path forwards.


What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapists apply the latest thinking and research in nutrition and health sciences to you and your symptoms. They work with you to come up with a diet, lifestyle (and sometimes supplement) plan to support those needs. To be able to support your health more effectively they may recommend some testing.

They also might bring in some coaching to help you put ideas into practice in a meaningful way or break through barriers that have held you back in the past.

If you  are struggling with weight loss download my ebook:

5 reasons that have nothing to do with calorie counting!


Eastbourne and surrounding areas for face to face appointments. I also offer Zoom for clients further afield.
