07977910823 [email protected]


When I work with groups, the buzz that is created by shared enthusiasm and optimism is great fun, and creating an atmosphere where ideas and questions start to flow is incredibly satisfying.


I offer various types of events to groups, including the following.



One-off or a series of talks on topics such as healthy ageing, eating for energy, weaning, fussy eating

Group Courses

I can devise group courses on topics such as healthy eating for busy lives, healthy ageing, child nutrition

Nutrition and cookery workshops

For many people the big stumbling block to eating better is a lack of confidence in the kitchen. Nutrition and cookery workshops provide nutrition knowledge, cookery skills and each week you will have the enjoyment of cooking a recipe and eating it with the group.

Two perspectives

I enjoy collaborating with other experts in their field to bring two perspectives to a topic. These include working with a parenting coach on fussy eating, and an image consultant on helping new mums feel better.
Please contact me if you are interested in finding out about group sessions I have available
“Incredibly helpful and friendly advice. Have learnt the science behind my bad eating habits and ways to start improving it. Thank you!”
“Very interesting – lots of things I didn’t know!”
“Interesting to hear the science from a non-bias point of view not supporting fad diets. Great that you recognise it is difficult to achieve and maintain healthy eating. Makes it more realistic and achievable.”